Hmmmm... !!!!

This is where the problem starts. Since I stated blogging, I have become an addicted to updating almost every day. But contrary to my expectation I have been managing to come up completely blank. Although I had decided to create this to share my memorable every day experiences, coming up with topics is proving a challenge in itself.

That’s one of the main reasons that I haven’t been able to post regularly. By the time I am done thinking about topics it’s almost the end of the day. It’s come to such a state now that, these days I get to sleep only by around 1:00 to 2:00 in the night.

Well I guess it just because I am totally new to this entire world, hopefully I should be getting better at this soon. Least my friends are telling me that am writing is improving. That is a bright sign.

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(Note: names changed to retain identity, or whatever that is supposed to help with)
23/02/2010 5:14pm - Tuesday
Everyone gets a sudden mail regarding a meeting to be conducted the next day. The topic regarding was unclear to everyone. But some were pretty unhappy regarding the timing of this meeting, Maajin BOO (pet name, it is a Pink Monster from Dragonball Z) for one was very keen on having the meeting on Friday, just so that she could bunk it.

24/02/2010 4:30pm – Wednesday
I arrived late for the meeting together with “South Africa” [that is our manager, hence forth called Pain I] and “Vivek DOT B”. “Old Man” [that’s our manager’s manager, hence forth called Pain II] was already then already present with the rest of the team. On quickly turning around Pain I was missing, almost like the floor had swallowed her up [I wish].
Now Pain II showed us the new kindle that he had just received from a friend in US. (He didn’t even know how to use the device properly, is a totally different issue). That’s when Pain I reappeared with her empty cup, giving the impression she was waiting outside just to finish drinking her coffee. Now, once she takes her seat Pain II, gives a small brief introducing about what is going on over there. The reaction of each member:-

1.      Rochak: bored (thought: what is this guy blabbering)
2.      Kid: Sleepy (thought: I wanna sleep)
3.      Mohit: Serious
4.      KJ: Trying very hard to please both the Pains. (thought: Will you even listen to me)
5.      Boo: Clueless (thought: ---------------)
6.      Dot: Yawning
7.      Gins: Missing from Action

That’s when Pain II decided to share something very interesting (according to him). In fact, he went on to tell that we would be jumping with joy listening to that. Then he drops the bomb, the guys were supposed to be leaving in a year’s time would have to stay back for another year. He added a few more incentives to this, but they fell on deaf ears. All eyes were boring onto the both the Pains with upmost hatred. The reaction for each member:-

1.       Kid: That’s the first that I have ever seen the team Kid actually awake in a meeting. She was actually listen with her eyes wide open
2.      Mohit / Rochak: If looks could kill, that was the perfect timing. Unfortunately, it didn’t work.
3.      KJ: The same process as before continues
4.      Boo: Trying to put up a face of concentration
5.      Dot: Wide awake
6.      Gins: Still missing from Action

And the uniform thought going through every single mind: “I wanna beat him up with my bare hands”.
This suddenly hostility even seemed to charge the atmosphere in the meeting hall, so much so Pain II was actually sputtering (a first in front of us) while talking. They even tried to crack a few meaningless jokes to get out attention. But then when all else failed they did the next best thing possible. They closed the meeting and left. It definitely was not one of the best meetings that we have ever had, but this one had some serious impact on the entire team. I can even say nothing unites a team better than hatred towards someone or something. That exactly what bought the entire team together, well that’s one heck of a team building.

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tr.v. ex·hil·a·rat·edex·hil·a·rat·ingex·hil·a·rates
1. To cause to feel happily refreshed and energetic; elate.
2. To invigorate; stimulate.

The meaning explained, and then what significance does that have with our daily lives. Does just being joyful for qualify as having an exhilarated experience. We experience plenty of little joyful things in life. Although they bring us plenty of memories, they cant be classified as the blissful joy that one would experience totally forgetting everything else. The only place to ever experience exhilaration is nature.

Walk to upto the shores / climb up the tallest point in the locality and look towards the horizon / east in the morning. The sigh that u would see would literally take your breath away and render you speechless. I have had the pleasure of seeing at time, and let me tell you, it just changes the perspective about the whole world, nature just looks like the perfect artist with the magnitude of color combinations that have been used in creating them.

You should definitely experience this at least once in a lifetime. When you gaze upon that sunrise, believe me, you would automatically bow your head down and be thankful for this life, just for the fact that you were able to witness poetry being made. 

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Ever had you best friend suddenly acting weird and all of a suddenly u hear the news that she / he has been going out with another guy / girl. And then all of a sudden, things are just not the same anymore.

This happen more in case of friendship between opposite genders, than with the species of the same kind (after all there are two species among humans rite). It happened with a close friend of mine. In fact, we had been friends for almost 6 yrs before that happened. She was one girl who was totally against love marriage, and used to always scold me if that line of conversation came up. She was quite close to me, the two of us spending over hours talking on the phone almost daily.

Then one day, BANG!!! Everything just stops. It started slowly at first. It started with her telling about talking with a senior of hers, and their conversation period slowly started increasing, intruding into the time we used to spend together. Then one fine day, she tells me that she is changing her number. I was expecting her to change to same sim as mine (as all I had been asking her to do same for quite some time), but then she said it was as the senior. That really struck a chord. Since then the conversation time dropped drastically.

Then finally after almost 4 months apparently keeping me in the dark (or so she thought), she finally decided to tell me about the relation she is having with the guy. Guess what, I was able to guess the whole thing before she could even get it out of her mouth. Close friends for 6 yrs, what did she expect. I had known her inside out. Anyways, since then the conversation rates had drastically reduced, from once a week to over months. Now, I don’t even remember the last time I spoke with her, guess it was somewhere in the starting of November, 2009. And frankly am not bothered any more. There was a time when I really felt bad, but then I realized that I just don’t mean anything (or least not the same friend) to her any more. 

But I don’t blame the guy, not at all, because he never restricted her. She just decided involuntarily to lose touch. The best part is, the guy never lost touch with any of his friends and even she is part of that gang now, considering all those people to be her close friends. That thing that hurt wasn’t that the conversation time reduced, but the fact that over night I lost all the importance of a having been close friend of hers for over 6 yrs. Well, am not bugging anyone anymore with this piece of history. All I want to convey is that, if just because a new person comes into your life, doesn’t mean that you can ignore the old one. Because, at the end of it all, you still lose someone who cares a lot about you.

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What is friendship? It’s the feeling of complete comfort and emotional safety with one particular person. It’s when you don’t have to speak a single word and still end up having a beautiful conversation and feeling satisfied.

So then what is temporary friendship? Well, a friend of mine seems to believe that it’s not possible for a boy and girl to be friends for ever unless they are a family. Now she didn’t mean these two would fall in love, but on the contrary, others would come into their lives and then the friendship would lose the priority and finally just disappear. For example, when the guy gets married, then there is a good change that the wife wouldn’t be so happy to have the guy hanging around with the girl all the time. But that wouldn’t be the case if the wife would also become her friend (but doesn’t happen often). So she seems to think that all relations are just temporary. No relation is permanent.

Well, I have been enough examples to counter both. But the fact remains that there exists a health amount of both, the ones who stick with their friends no matter what happens and those who would totally lose all contacts with their friends as soon as they find someone. In fact, I have had the experience of having both types of friends. So, I definitely know what it means and how it feels. But if the second type of person does exist, then it’s definitely their loss since they would have lot a very good and loyal friend. But, the fact remains everything happen with a reason.

But losing trust in friendship altogether, now that would be some very extreme reaction. The best thing would be to enjoy the time that you have with your friends. In fact, create as many good memories with them, as much as possible. Never lose faith in friends, even when there are those u walk away because, they always have a reason, no matter how small and lousy. And at one point of time, they would always come back.

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Power Cuts: - one extremely hated word, especially among electronic and net users. And even more among avid TV watchers which mostly comprise of homemaker, basically our mothers and others wife (can't say our wives yet, single and happy to be one).

So now in Mysore, they have a very beautiful system. Starting from the morning (at times even from 7 onwards) there is a blackout at almost every alternate hour. For the ones who are working, that doesn't seem much of a problem. But it is a big one for the ones who remain at home. And the sick part is they don’t inform the timings in advance. They seem more inspired by the uncertainty theory. The minute we think that we have finally identified the power outage pattern; they immediately do something totally different.

It’s the same case at nights, starting from 6 in the evening, the same alternate blackout patterns continue. And it extends up to 4 in the morning. As for the pattern again it’s a mystery. I doubt even the electricity board know about it. For example, the day before the timings during the nights was 8pm to 9pm, followed by 10pm to 11pm. And then yesterday was 9pm to 10pm, followed by 11pm to 12pm. So naturally I was expecting another shift in the hour and guess was the timings were today, 9pm to 10pm, followed by 11pm to 12pm. Amazing isn’t it.

Now since that I would be home only during nights, the net is access only then. And these power cuts again are cutting into my browsing time. I would not have been bothered much if it was simple browsing. But two of my very important jobs remain pending due to this. 
  1. Playing Travian. And since I am acting as the sitter (playing in behalf of another player) on DOT. I need all the time that I can get to manage his village and 3 of mine
  2. Downloading all the amazing manga available. Currently ongoing is the get backers series. Bleach is next in queue.
  3. Chatting with my friends on Facebook. 
The only other thing worrying me is frequency of blackouts given the fact that winter and monsoon just got over. It’s very scary to imagine what the condition would be during summer. Hope they thing of a solution soon, else I can wager my monthly salary (on second thought, made that one day’s salary) on the fact that, they might just switch off the power n forget to switch it back on for a pretty long time.

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It all started with a harmless search for pictures of recca (Flame of Recca) in the net. I wanted to upload it as my profile picture. That’s when I stumbled across "" (Read Free Online Manga Anytime). Been hooked onto that site ever since. Now instead of have a picture of Recca, I have the entire comic collection of that manga. Not to mention various other ones like Rorouni KenshinFull Metal Alchemist (although I didn’t understand half the story properly), XBlade, Basilisk, ½ Prince, AIKI etc. There are so many of them, it almost feels like a gold mine.

It just has a small side effect, actually a major one. It is making me lose focus on everything else, work included (especially work). I agree is tedious work, but the satisfaction of getting the entire series is just amazing. I have currently got around 17 series, out of which 3 are completed with 2 having about 200+ episodes in each [Rorouni Kenshin - 256, Flame of Recca- 329].

Another side effect is the reaction that I get from my friends. the minute any of them see me downloading the series (well I confess, it isn’t exactly downloading, but more like Right Click + Save File, after all everything is a picture, so nothing much to download), especially the Kid of the team. Although she is the kid of the team, she can give lectures better than South Africa. I would know, I have got plenty of them from her. I know it’s childish, but I can’t help up, just because I have grown up, doesn’t mean that I have to give on the things I love after all...

I agree, I do need to set my priorities, like grownups do. I have people to take example for that, like Mohit and Rochak. So no problems in that as well...

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Valentine's Day Special ?

Written by Sathya 2 comments Posted in:

Happy Valentine's Day everyone... i know its funny but being a single guy, there are no restrictions in wishing anyone he meets...

But the idea of a special day to love, it still something that i find a bit weird. Being an Indian, all these kinds of celebrations seem just another way of spending unnecessary money (NOM). Its not like we need a special day to describe our love. If u wanna make someone feel special, then its always the small things in life, like "a beach side date", "a drive down the free-lane" that make some of these moments special. any girl can be made to feel special and that is exactly what she desires as well. and one of the best ways to do that would be to spend quality time with her. if that is done properly, then giving card would have absolutely no significant meaning, since everyday becomes special.

and as for the guys, stop trying to make most of the proposals on Feb 14th. its too predictable and boring. if u wanna make it more interesting, then pick a day the girl would have associated with something and then go ahead. basically what am telling you guys is to do your background work properly. it shouldnt be like, u see the girl, fall in love with her, and then propose to her on Valentine's Day (only to get either rejected by her or beaten by someone close to her). that sounds more like a Bollywood movie script.

When going for a walk in the night (a while back), a cute puppy just came running and started running around my legs. its was amazingly cute, totally white n very soft. kinda reminded me the puppy from the movie Bolt. then it struck me. if people really express love. then do so by taking care of a pet. there is so much love to be distributed in this world, that it doesnt matter whom you share it with. and more over, you love life lasts or not. the pet would never break up with u, even if u force him/her to go away. hence if you are really interested in squabbling away all you saving, then do it to preserve life. makes the reward more sweetening.

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Girlz Rule (Quite Literally)

Written by Sathya 2 comments Posted in:

1.      The Female always makes The Rules.
2.      The Rules are subject to change at any time without prior notification.
3.      No Male can possibly know all The Rules.
4.      If the Female suspects the Male knows all The Rules, she must immediately change some or all of The Rules.
5.      The Female is never wrong.
6.      (If the Female is wrong, it is because of a flagrant misunderstanding which was a direct result of something the Male did or said wrong.)
7.      (If Rule 6 applies, the Male must apologize immediately for causing the misunderstanding.)
8.      The Female can change her mind at any given point in time.
9.      The Male must never change his mind without express written consent from the Female.
10.  The Female has every right to be angry or upset at any time.
11.  The Male must remain calm at all times, unless the Female Wants him to be angry or upset.
12.  The Female must under no circumstances let the Male know whether or not she wants him to be angry or upset.
13.  The Male is expected to mind read at all times.
14.  The Male who doesn't abide by The Rules, can't take the heat, lacks a backbone, and is a wimp.
15.  Any attempt to document The Rules could result in bodily harm.
16.  At no time can the Male make such comments as "Insignificant" and "Is that all?" when the Female is complaining.
17.  If the Female has PMS, all The Rules are null and void!

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The Value of the Irreplacable

Written by Sathya 1 comments Posted in:

Breaking up with a girl friend / boy friend is tough. That is a pain that many are not able to come out of, because of which they slowly befriend the escapist (the bottle of drinks of course).  But there is a pain that far surpasses these yet, shows up in a subtle but powerful forms and that is losing a friend.

Losing a friend is tough, but getting that friend back is even tougher. After all, a friend is one person with whom u can be your complete true self. To lose someone as close as that, it almost close to becoming mad. Unfortunately, I did lose a friend like that. She was someone who was the closest to me [mom, dad n bro aside], someone with whom I could be at my best childish behaviour n not feel awkward, because she accepts me the way I am, the whole package and not just parts of it. She is my bulby (well, am not explaining why I call her that, but know that it was one of her big goof ups). The worse part, after the “Big Fight”, wasn't just the feeling of complete emptiness. But rather the realization that the gap left can never be filled. because to be able to fill the empty gap in yourself, you need to meet someone who's heart is as empty as yours.

But the best part is 3 yrs after everything, my chat symbol showing available (thankfully i had gone without the invisible mode after a very long time) which caught her attention. And then starting to chat with her (she was the braver of the two, to initiate). N guess what, nothing has changed. Overnight, the gap just got filled. Then it struck, childhood friends are on a league of their own. No one can be on par with them [© bulby, the realization lighting had struck her]. In fact, it’s just so amazing to have her back, that all my old feelings of possessiveness just came back in an instant [God alone known’s where they were hiding till now]. So much so that, when she was telling me about her break up, facially I was very sad, although I can tell the same thing was going on in my mind.

But, one lesson that I have learnt the hard way is to make sure to patch up almost immediately after a fight. Granted that there might still be a few bitter feelings to begin with, but that would heal over time. In fact, that’s a much simpler process than waiting for the right opportunity to occur. I would never ever lose my bulby again.

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   Never ever insult a scooty again. That fragile looking vehicle is capable of more than we think is possible. Ever imagined going on a 300km trip on a scooty with your friend. Am sure many of you may not even think that wouldn’t be much of a hope for the rider to reach the destination and back within the same day, and none for the vehicle.

Well, let me tell u something. It’s very much possible to have such a trip can come back in one piece. I and DOT went on a trip to two architectural locations namely Halebidu and Belur [In case you are wonder, these locations are in Karnataka] on January, 9th 2010. The original plan was to take a sturdier vehicle for the trip. But then, all the other vehicle renters were not willing to easily part with their vehicles. Nope, can’t blame them either. People don’t readily trust a “Drumstick” and a “Tomato” [I won’t lie, am not the Drumstick and DOT is not the Tomato, and rest is for u to figure out].

Let me just describe to condition of the scooty before continuing any further. The brakes were loose, the indicators were out of service, the horn had gone completely hay wired, the back wheel had just been fixed for a puncture about three weeks back, the last service was about 4 months back, max speed obtainable was __ (the speed indicator doesn’t work so I am not sure. Something between 40 to 50 km/h, I think.), the vehicle is itself is about 10 yrs old, and to top it all, it belongs so a friend of mine (that’s rite folks, wasn’t even mine).

So well, on the morning of 9th [a Saturday on top of everything], we two brave souls set out to make one of the journeys of a life time. Our first destination was originally Belur but seeing that Halebidu was shorter by 5 km we decided to slightly alter the route. It actually didn’t matter; since we still had to cover over 150km (to the original 155km). The onward journey was without much incident in the initial phase except for a few smiles from people who were just shocked to discover our starting city (Mysore) and our destinations. In fact, it would be more appropriate to state that they really thought that we had lost our minds.

Neways, the first phase was till Halebidu, and it went well till about 5 km before we reached our destinations. What happened? Something very common! A puncture. The back wheel for punctured. And thank fully for us, just about ½ km from a village. Once, the tyre was fixed, then we set out on our way again and reached there by around 1:30pm. Then we started from Halebidu by around 4:30 and went towards Belur. Now finally when we had started out the return journey it was about 7:00pm.

About driving for 70km, in the pitch black darkness, and deserted road, we felt it again. The back wheel just gave way to another puncture. Amazing conditions: - middle of nowhere, punctured scooty, two guys who don’t know kanada, and time: 9:30pm. Thankfully, a guy stopped and informed us about a village about a km away. Luckily, we positioned in a very approachable position, since once that village would have been crossed, the next one is very far away and almost impossible to reach by foot.

We push the scooty till the village, park it inside a police station (we had no clue that it was one), and found the mechanic of the village (who happened to be only person, in a village of over 800 people, who knew Hindi). Imagine our plight, when the power goes off as repairs were going on (under the street light). But he continued the repair under the light from our cell phones. Thankfully, the power was back in another 30 minutes. But even after fixing all the repairs (quite a few emerged, seems that it was because of the excessive heat produced) there was still a small leakage.

Since it was close to midnight, we took up on the offer of the mechanic to stay in his house. It was pretty small house [One room split into three: 1.Storage / wash area 2.Sleeping 3.Kitchen, each divided by a wall], but a happy one. We had dinner (imagine at midnight, there is lots of humanity still left man), but we were asked to sleep in the first room (not surprising since he was married), and although there were no fan in the house, the village was cool enough (in fact, v were using blanket and that too after wearing our jackets).

But frankly, it was one of the best sleeps I have ever had. We got up really early in the morning, got the final repairs done and then quickly left by around 8:30am, but more before he introduced us to almost everyone in the village telling out weird story. The rest of the journey was uneventful and we soon reached back home by around 10:30am.

So that’s the whole journey in a nut shell (a big nut shell). So now you know, why I would furiously supposed the scooty, irrespective of the comments that I would receive against that vehicle. It after all saved our lives.

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Written by Sathya 1 comments Posted in: , ,

Ever felt happy about being introduced to something so amazing, that nothing else matters. No, am not talking about meeting a new girl in a friend's party.

Am talking about Travian. "Dot" aka "Viv" aka "Vivicio" aka "Vicious" aka "Vivek" aka "B DOT Vivek" :) [Am gonna get beaten up for try to document all his name] was the one who had introduced me into this one. Now me being a die hard war craft fan, didn't bother much about this online game. after all, where is fun, when there isn't any movement in around the world. or so i thought.

But now am totally hooked onto it. its been almost a week and a half since i did anything else with my system. before this, i was busy planning strategies in Dragon Age : Origins, kicking some serious mutant ass in Ninja Blade, and driving around fast cars in Need For Speed : Shift. But now its been ages since i played Ninja Blade, i don't rmbr what my next move was supposed to be in DA : Origins, and have totally uninstalled NSF : Shift. All this cos am too involved in Travian and don't have any time for anything else.

its come to such a state that am in fact plotting to spend money to get a few resources. i have no idea where this whole thing is gonna end. But, one is certain, DOT definitely has to get beaten up for getting me into this. There shouldn't be a problem regards that after all, the whole team is up to the task. :)

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A Memorable Night

Written by Sathya 1 comments Posted in: ,

What’s the best and cheapest way to spend a Friday night???
  1. A gang of friends, Rs 2000/- each, the dance floor of the disco?
  2. Four friends, McDowell's No. 1, 4 Gobi Fried Rice (1 without onion) + 4 Gobi Manchurian (1 without onion), 2 2 litre Drinking Water, 1 2 litre Coke + 1 1 litre Coke, Rs 900/- (approx), the terrace, calm n cool breeze, whole night, no sleep.
Well, I would definitely opt for the second one. After all, instead of just watching other "people" shake their assets around and not really being able to talk anything at all with others.

It was a very different experience to what I am used to having. That is mainly because; my group of friends now, are at a whole new level. Although at times I feel a bit out of place with them, they make sure that am roped in. that in itself creates a feeling of belonging to the heart.

We started the night at around 9, when I finally managed to reach Dot's [aka Vivek's] house. Mohit and Gins [aka Ginny aka Sid aka Siddu aka Siddarth] were already waiting. The starting was with the usual round of talking n teasing. But I wasn’t able to take a more active part in the conversation since I was interrupted by a phone call.

But that was the good part of the whole thing. I came back after around 105 mins later n then the guys were in a good state then. Together with our dj Gins playing the songs the evening couldn’t have got any better. By now the time was close at 12:30 and we suddenly got this sudden urge to go to the terrace. There was no looking back after that. 4 glasses (1 with only coke + water: mine. J ), one pack of smokes and a box of matches.

Once on the terrace, then it was just general talks or just listening to music gins was playing. Guess it was the climate, because mohit was really inspired to recite a few shayari. And man, they were lovely. In fact, time just seemed to fly n before v knew it; it was almost 5:30 in the morning. Now was the best part. There were four of us, n just one bed. Well, no other choice, two of us remained awake while the other two slept off... finally after letting them have a nice sleep for about 2 hrs, woke them up n send them back home...

All in all, a good night, well spend. In fact, memories that would remain etched for a very long time.

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First Time

Written by Sathya 0 comments Posted in:

Well, here I am finally, with absolutely no idea of what I am supposed to be doing. I have always been apprehensive about starting a blog because I just didn't understand the whole concept of it. In fact, I found it a bit odd that people would actually want to just publicly post their feelings for everyone to see...

But then I got a chance to reading a few blogs written by two friends of mine, Ginny and Dot [heaven forbid, that’s not their real names, although at the current rate, hopefully none would remember what they were either]. Their writing styles and the contents were very refreshing and amusing. Or should I say, inspiring even...

So here I am finally having taken up the initiative as I have over often heard in every single self development class. Just types word as they come to my mind without giving heed to the content. In, fact even when typing right now, my entire mind is blank. It does feel strange voicing one’s thoughts and ideas so opening. But it does feel nice, almost like being completely spontaneous. Guess I can really get addicted to this...

Guess I would try to cut short here since I don’t want to push my luck with the amount of spontaneous typing, least not on my first day...

So this is Sathya, signing off, until next time...

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For The Inquisitive