(Note: names changed to retain identity, or whatever that is supposed to help with)
23/02/2010 5:14pm - Tuesday
Everyone gets a sudden mail regarding a meeting to be conducted the next day. The topic regarding was unclear to everyone. But some were pretty unhappy regarding the timing of this meeting, Maajin BOO (pet name, it is a Pink Monster from Dragonball Z) for one was very keen on having the meeting on Friday, just so that she could bunk it.

24/02/2010 4:30pm – Wednesday
I arrived late for the meeting together with “South Africa” [that is our manager, hence forth called Pain I] and “Vivek DOT B”. “Old Man” [that’s our manager’s manager, hence forth called Pain II] was already then already present with the rest of the team. On quickly turning around Pain I was missing, almost like the floor had swallowed her up [I wish].
Now Pain II showed us the new kindle that he had just received from a friend in US. (He didn’t even know how to use the device properly, is a totally different issue). That’s when Pain I reappeared with her empty cup, giving the impression she was waiting outside just to finish drinking her coffee. Now, once she takes her seat Pain II, gives a small brief introducing about what is going on over there. The reaction of each member:-

1.      Rochak: bored (thought: what is this guy blabbering)
2.      Kid: Sleepy (thought: I wanna sleep)
3.      Mohit: Serious
4.      KJ: Trying very hard to please both the Pains. (thought: Will you even listen to me)
5.      Boo: Clueless (thought: ---------------)
6.      Dot: Yawning
7.      Gins: Missing from Action

That’s when Pain II decided to share something very interesting (according to him). In fact, he went on to tell that we would be jumping with joy listening to that. Then he drops the bomb, the guys were supposed to be leaving in a year’s time would have to stay back for another year. He added a few more incentives to this, but they fell on deaf ears. All eyes were boring onto the both the Pains with upmost hatred. The reaction for each member:-

1.       Kid: That’s the first that I have ever seen the team Kid actually awake in a meeting. She was actually listen with her eyes wide open
2.      Mohit / Rochak: If looks could kill, that was the perfect timing. Unfortunately, it didn’t work.
3.      KJ: The same process as before continues
4.      Boo: Trying to put up a face of concentration
5.      Dot: Wide awake
6.      Gins: Still missing from Action

And the uniform thought going through every single mind: “I wanna beat him up with my bare hands”.
This suddenly hostility even seemed to charge the atmosphere in the meeting hall, so much so Pain II was actually sputtering (a first in front of us) while talking. They even tried to crack a few meaningless jokes to get out attention. But then when all else failed they did the next best thing possible. They closed the meeting and left. It definitely was not one of the best meetings that we have ever had, but this one had some serious impact on the entire team. I can even say nothing unites a team better than hatred towards someone or something. That exactly what bought the entire team together, well that’s one heck of a team building.


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