Power Cuts: - one extremely hated word, especially among electronic and net users. And even more among avid TV watchers which mostly comprise of homemaker, basically our mothers and others wife (can't say our wives yet, single and happy to be one).

So now in Mysore, they have a very beautiful system. Starting from the morning (at times even from 7 onwards) there is a blackout at almost every alternate hour. For the ones who are working, that doesn't seem much of a problem. But it is a big one for the ones who remain at home. And the sick part is they don’t inform the timings in advance. They seem more inspired by the uncertainty theory. The minute we think that we have finally identified the power outage pattern; they immediately do something totally different.

It’s the same case at nights, starting from 6 in the evening, the same alternate blackout patterns continue. And it extends up to 4 in the morning. As for the pattern again it’s a mystery. I doubt even the electricity board know about it. For example, the day before the timings during the nights was 8pm to 9pm, followed by 10pm to 11pm. And then yesterday was 9pm to 10pm, followed by 11pm to 12pm. So naturally I was expecting another shift in the hour and guess was the timings were today, 9pm to 10pm, followed by 11pm to 12pm. Amazing isn’t it.

Now since that I would be home only during nights, the net is access only then. And these power cuts again are cutting into my browsing time. I would not have been bothered much if it was simple browsing. But two of my very important jobs remain pending due to this. 
  1. Playing Travian. And since I am acting as the sitter (playing in behalf of another player) on DOT. I need all the time that I can get to manage his village and 3 of mine
  2. Downloading all the amazing manga available. Currently ongoing is the get backers series. Bleach is next in queue.
  3. Chatting with my friends on Facebook. 
The only other thing worrying me is frequency of blackouts given the fact that winter and monsoon just got over. It’s very scary to imagine what the condition would be during summer. Hope they thing of a solution soon, else I can wager my monthly salary (on second thought, made that one day’s salary) on the fact that, they might just switch off the power n forget to switch it back on for a pretty long time.


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