For all those who are working, have u ever had the privilege of having your manager act as your English teacher. Don’t envy the guy who got the chance. It’s definitely not a pretty sight/experience. But like I say you just have to act well.
So on Friday (26th March, 2010) noon, this guy (Three Guesses Who?) goes to his manager’s room. The reason being he had just come to office at 1pm (the office timing start at 9:00 in the morning). And surprisingly there were three missed calls from his manager at three different times (9:30am, 11am, and 12:30pm). Now, this guy has an amazing knack of getting into trouble with his manager given any circumstance and that streak continues. ­
So when he goes to his manager’s cabin, he is made to endure her usual string of speech about how much she is worried about the team, blah blah blah blah... during my college days blah blah blah blah... professionalism... blah blah blah... trainee graduates... blah blah blah... Mohit... blah blah blah... Next level... blah blah blah... etc...
Now when the guy was enduring this, she suddenly changes the topic (shocking in a way) and tells him that she wants him to go to the library to get a book named ‘I moved my cheese’. Reason: she wants him to improve on his writing skills. So, she wants him to go through the whole book and give her a whole summary for 20 mins on Monday. And what can he possibly do, it’s not like he can downright refuse her as well. Poor Guy!
Now, the first phase of the assignment is over, the book has been issued from the library. The reading is remaining. Let’s just hope he gets the urge soon to start reading that book, otherwise the trouble streak is going to further increase.

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That sure was a surprise when we got the mail regarding the project party. There was no prior intimation about the same. In fact, am still not sure why there was a sudden project party in the first place. Anyways, it was the worse date that would have been chosen. On the same day there was another symphony being held in the campus. A choice had to be made and almost all of us selected the party, after all who can refuse free food (not free really, we had to pay for it, but still).
It was held at Hotel Grand Maurya (believe me there is absolutely nothing grand about that place) for the entire department. Even then many failed to turn up. But that didn’t really matter. I didn’t have a means of transport to reach there, so Kid (refer to previous entries) agreed to drop me. Both of us misjudged the place and there was a small goose chase. But we reached there in the end. But she wasn’t interested in coming. So I had to go on from there.
The rest of my gang was already there and were busy having a drink. Well, after I spoke with them I went to where the song was at its loudest. And believe me, it was not a pleasant sight. Since, there isn’t much to do or watch without the youngsters dancing.  Well, I had no other choice, went back and dragged the team out. Once, all of us were gathered there, and then it really turned into a party. It sure was amazing, and the songs were really good as well.
Well, the main point of going to the party is definitely not the dance, it’s the food. And that was exactly what I went looking for in the middle. After two very fast exploding songs (“Manmada Rassa” and “Appadi Pode”), Man! It was tiring. So, I did the next possible thing. Went to have my dinner (Roti/Nan, Fried Rice, Paneer Butter Masala, Channa Masala, Gobi Fry, Raita/Curd, Vanilla Ice Cream) and the food was really good. Had a full stomach and then went back to the dance. Thankfully, I wasn’t missed. When the dance was over, all the rest went for having their dinner. But then they were so exhausted from all the dancing, that they couldn’t even have a proper dinner, especially DOT and he being a foodie, it was equivalent to being totally tortured.
But then, once that was over, me and DOT walked back home, while the others went using some other mode of transportation. But then, it was a really nice time. Hope they organise more of such project parties in the future but on a more suitable date.

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Have you even sat down with the full heart to finish something, only to the disturbed at the exact moment? Am sure it would happen to all of us, especially when we think we have been bitten by the concentration bug.

That is the same situation going on over here with me. Every time I would sit down decided to write a topic, am sure to be disturbed as trivial as a power cut, which would totally spoil my mood. There are times when I don’t bother about anything around me and continue to work. But such things happen when I am reading a novel with an unbreakable will.

But when I have ever tried to do something else, like say Study. BANG!!!!! Gone with the wind!!! Come to think of it, even wind isnt this fast. The speed at which our attention changed from one object / subject to another is just mind blowing.

The fact that my latest blog entry took so long to be published itself is a sign of that. Cant help it, although at times I get really good ideas am just too lazy to type them. I am sure that is one of the most common cases with almost all the people. But in the end, it all boils down to how much interest u are having in doing the task. The more the better, then concentration would automatically fall into place. 

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I have always been asked my friends about that title where ever and whenever I use it. It sounds just like any other punch line from a Kollywood Movie. So I decided to explain that to everyone cos, am sure many would be wondering about the title whenever they see it.

Any ways, although it might look obvious at first, it is one line which is very difficult to follow especially the second half. Considering everything to be just another part and parcel of life is pretty difficult and would require quite a bit of practice to get used to. One of the main concepts of it is to have a neutral feeling towards everything. If something good happens, that good, at the same time, if something bad happens, that again happens for the good. If u would notice even the way it is writing is with ups and downs in it.

I have been getting used to this concept for quite some time and although I haven’t become good at it, I sure have got the hang of it. And the only reason I realize this is cos I had two profound experiences.

The first was on February, 14th in the third year (2006). I was supposed to go on a date and was driving towards the Anna Nagar (that a place in Chennai). So, when driving my dio on the main road, a car came from my right and took a sudden turn to the left. The back of the car hit me n I was literately sent flying. Now, I know this might sound crazy, I the only thing that at time in my mind was absolutely nothing. I was just admiring the way the road was moving under me. I am kind of finding it a bit difficult to explain, but it just felt like any other day.

The second one was on 22nd April, 2008. My girlfriend of 6 months had broken up with me without informing me. Now I didn’t know that, she had just told me friends to inform about that. But since my final year exams were going on, they didn’t want my concentration to break. Well, it so happened that I met the girl in college, and was trying to talk with her, but she walked off without even bothering to look at my direction. I was surprised with that kind of reaction cos it was something totally unexpected. Then later when I spoke to friend about this, I was informed that she had broken up with me without informing me about it. It was felt more or less like a jigsaw puzzle falling into place. I never felt bad or hurt! My friends were shocked and surprised seeing my reaction (well so was I).

But this is what is realized from these two incidents. If the concept of life is a drama is made clear, then we would leave to take everything in our stride and thankfully no more devdases any more. J .

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For The Inquisitive